is she?
Essential Emily Begley Information
In no particular order, here are some Emily Begley Fast Facts. Find more about her origin story below.
Diet Soda Addict: A pipe dream of her's is to be sponsored by Pepsi in order to promote her most favorite beverage Diet Cherry Pepsi (DCP). She already does more than enough free advertisement for the brand.
Bagel Maker: In 2023, she began to make homemade bagels to celebrate her childhood nickname. She has always loved to bake but found her passion in bagel creation, with a particular affinity for Cinnamon Sugar Bagels.
Ping Pong Fanatic: Emily is a really good ping pong player. It's perhaps her most surprising attribute. Her Dad taught her in middle school, and she often shows off her skills by pretending to be bad at the activity bars. She has gotten many free drinks from this hustle.
Green Machine: Green is her most favorite color (not that you could tell), and she has made it apart of her personal brand. Her favorite shade is sage.
Beverage Queen: Yes, soda is her favorite but she believes no outfit is complete without a beverage. She often stops at gas stations and coffee establishments, because no task can be completed without a beverage at her side.
Jacket Collector: Emily owns over 15 jackets. Pea Coats, leather, corduroy, blazer... and more! As a person who has remained the same size for the majority of her life, the jackets seemed to pile up and she is so close to acquiring one in every color.
Her Story
Emily was born in Boston, Massachusetts but after three short years of city living, she moved to just outside of Albany, New York. Raised with a forest as a backyard, she was always itching to trade in trees for traffic jams. Despite being intensely focused on becoming the very first six year old rock star, when mom asked if she wanted to take voice lesson, Emily informed her:
"I don't need lessons, I already know how to sing".
Emily was signed up for karate instead.
She has since learned the importance of humility (she promises!) and has taken many years of voice lessons after finding love for musical theatre in middle school. Her academic parents were thrilled at her love of the arts, but wanted her to be as well rounded as possible. This led to a series of mostly failed attempts at various sports that have become classic Begley Lore including The One Woman Water Polo Team as well as a short lived stint commanding a Boys Basketball team. Feel free to contact her for more details. She balanced this with many hours of training, practice, and performance in her high school years, finally landing on Emerson College to pursue her dream of Musical Theatre. Despite starting college in 2020, she took Emerson by storm, quickly becoming involved with a student theatre and dance groups, orientation activities and on campus jobs. She performed in all capacities, checking every box of types of role: leading lady, to supporting character, to offstage dance swing to offstage understudy. For more details on her theatrical experience, check out her resume.